
About Us
Upcoming Shows
Contact US

We serve Firefighters, Police, EMT,Fire Police and Police K-9.Thank you for visiting our new website site. Rescue #114 was established in September 2007, we want to thank our customers in helping our company grow.

If you are looking for bulk orders please email us and we will give you the bulk pricing.  Also fire companies interested in bid orders please email us and we will be happy to submit a bid for fire company department orders.

We take an enormous pride in our products, and hope that you'll find something in our catalog. We carry top brands for our Emergency Professionals. We have Fire-Dex, Haix, Lakeland, POK, Axixtech Lights, Boston Leather.  This is just to name a few. We have firefighting equipment,EMS gear, Fire Police apparel and we even have items for our Police and can't forget our K-9 units.  We also can create custom orders; call or email and let us know what you want.
We look forward to doing business with you.

New Fire-Dex Helmets in Stock

New Fire-Dex Leather Boots

Fire-Dex is high quality protection.  It is flexible and gives dexterity in which you need to get the job done. We carry Fire-Dex Hoods, Fire-Dex gloves, Fire-Dex turnout gear and Express turnout gear for when you need your gear quickly. We also carry Fire-Dex Wildland Gear, EMS, and Extrication suits as well.  It is a necessary part of your firefighting equipment.

Our Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 9pm


9am - 5pm

Our Location is 1037B Main St Blue Ball, PA * USA * 17506 Phone: (717) 799-3228 Fax: (717) 355-5299
